We automatically find policy documents on the school website, and then use a large language model to categorise them and to extract information like review dates.
In order to perform this task, Robin needs to use human-like judgement. The important thing to know is that, like people, sometimes Robin will get things wrong. We aim to minimise the effect of this, but we can't completely eradicate it.
Policies that are required to be on the website
Robin specifically looks for a set of required policies, and flags any that are missing:
Policy category | Required for school type | Required for stand-alone Post-16 colleges? |
Admission arrangements | Academies, Free Schools, Foundation and Voluntary Aided | No |
Behaviour | All | No |
Charging and remissions | All | No |
Complaints | All | Yes |
Relationships education (primary) and relationships and sex education (secondary) | All | No |
Whistle-blowing | Academies, Free Schools | Yes |
This list is based on the following DfE sources:
Why are some required documents not included?
Robin focuses on the downloadable policy documents that are most often found on the Policies pages of school websites.
Schools are also required to publish a range of other documents, reports and information, such as the SEND information report and pupil premium strategy statement.
If these are found by Robin, they will be categorised and included in your report, but they are not tracked as required policies.