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Rebecca avatar
Written by Rebecca
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Robin's website compliance check

Is the compliance check based on the requirements set out in 'what maintained schools must publish' and 'what academies must publish'?

Yes that’s right, the check is based on the following DfE guidance pages:

Does Robin have different requirements for different types of schools?

Yes, the requirements are matched to each school based on the school type, age range and provision. Robin works for all types of schools, including special schools, all-through schools and sixth forms.

What does the % signify next to the compliance check?

This % shows how many of the DfE requirements Robin found information for on your website.

How compliant are most school websites?

We've found on average that school websites are about 80% compliant. Very few have 100% of the required information.

Robin's policy audit

Do you publish a list of policies that must be on the website or if a required policy is missing?

Yes exactly that - we’ll list which policies are required (and show which are missing) and also show a list of all the policies a school has too.

Do you check non-statutory policies?

Yes, we highlight the required policies at the top of the policy audit, and then underneath list every other policy we find on your school's website (including old and out-of-date policies).

Do you check the Trust website for policies?

Yes, this is a new feature we've just introduced. If a school website links to the Trust website to point to a required policy (or another website requirement) Robin follows that link and checks it. You'll see a blue Trust website button listed as the source, and clicking on it will take you through to the webpage.

How Robin works

Do you update Robin when the DfE makes changes?

Yes, we do. In some cases, we can apply the change retrospectively based on our last analysis of your schools. In that case you would see them straight away. In most cases you will see the results in the next round of reviews.

How do we know when a Robin review run is ready?

When your Robin review is ready we send a notification to anyone who has access to the account.

How long does Robin take to set-up?

Once you’ve purchased we run Robin across your school’s website, check everything’s in order and aim to send your Robin account to you within a few days.

Features and functionality

Can you download Robin reports?

Yes, you can export reports as PDF files or Excel spreadsheets.

Do you check the Trust website?

Currently we just do the website reviews for school websites. Reviewing trust websites for trust-level requirements is on the roadmap for the future. (We do look across to the trust website as part of the school reviews - for example where a school links to policies that are on the trust side).

Can you add custom requirements that aren't listed in the DfE guidelines?

This is a really popular feature that we know Trusts want, so it's on our roadmap for development.

Does Robin check for website accessibility?

We don't currently do a specific analysis of accessibility. But the nature of the Robin reviews means it can helpfully identify information that is hard to access, because of the way it is structured or the formatting used.

Pricing & subscriptions

How much is Robin?

We have three options to choose from. We offer yearly subscriptions with either half-termly (6 reviews) or monthly (12 reviews) checks. Or, you can get a one-off review. Check out our pricing.

How much is it for a single maintained school?

The pricing is the same regardless of school type - click here to view the pricing.

Is Robin part of GovernorHub / The Key?

Robin is part of The Key Group, alongside The Key, GovernorHub and Arbor. Subscriptions to Robin are independent of the other products, so you purchase separately.

What happens if we have new schools join our Trust during our subscription?

If you Trust is growing, we will include free checks for up to 5 new schools joining during your subscription.

A few other things

What do Robin customers say? Do you have any testimonials?

Yes, you can read our customer testimonials here.

What’s the future for Robin?

Robin keeps improving, we add new features and listen to what our customers want. See our product roadmap that shows what we’re working on. And, If you've got comments on any of these, or better ideas, please let us know on [email protected]

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